I'd love to go canoeing, would you like to join?
My name is Lovisa Larsson and no, you can't rent a canoe from me. But I can teach you how to paddle one - like a pro'. I create and host guided tours and clinics with wooden canoes. If you're curious about the Swedish boreal forest, I hold guided hikes as well. You'll find me in Tiveden - a forest in the middle between Stockholm and Gothenborg, easily accessed by train to Laxå or car. I named my business Traceless in Tiveden to match my values in outdoors life. To walk this earth in balance with nature, leaving as little negative trace behind as possible. Wanna join me?
Spring & summer 2025!
My most popular tours and courses are now available for 2025!
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My qualifications

Traceless' is a member of Visita and takes part of their Travel guarantee. Tap to read more about what this means for you as a guest of mine.

I (Lovisa) am an examinator for the European paddle pass, green level Swedish standard. I'm also a certified instructor for a safety course for paddlers, GSRT - General safety and rescue technique.

I'm also a certified natures guide, by national standard. The certification stands for high quality and craftsmanship when guiding, safety and sustainability.

Traceless in Tiveden's a member of the Swedish Nature & Ecotourism Association.

And last, but not least - I'm an official ambassador for Tiveden National Park.