— Campfire hike —

It's something special about making camp by a woodland lake. To gather around the fire, drink coffee and chat. It's pretty magic.

At a campfire hike with us, you'll get to:

  • Meet likeminded people who likes outdoor life and nature. 
  • Learn how to build a safe and traceless fireplace
  • Customs around fire
  • Build a tripod
  • Learn where to find firewood in all weather
  • Use a ferro rod
  • Make coffee over open fire
  • Swedish "Fika"
  • Be in a small group with a professional guide, for a safe experience.

What's the plan?

We'll meet up by Tivedstorp. Then we're going by car to our favorite place. From there we're taking a short walk to a magical lake where we'll make camp for the afternoon. We build the fireplace together, collect firewood, build the tripod and everyone gets to try making fire with a ferro rod. We make coffee and chat by the fire. If someone wish to try even more old-school ways of fire-making, like flint and steel, we're happy to help. Before we leave camp, we extinguish the fire, take down the tripod and take away the fireplace. When we head back to the cars we leave nothing behind but a small patch of sand and wet ashes.

How long will we be out?

ca 4 h, the scheduled time differs a little during the winter season due to the shifting amount of daylight in the afternoon. Please, check our booking-module for exact times.

Where do we meet?

By Tivedstorp, at the first parking lot you'll get to (See map below), from there we'll take the cars to the lake where we make camp.

How many can go?

Maximum of 5 participants. Book early to ensure your spot.

What do I need to bring?

  • clothes according to weather (Swedish autumn, winter and spring can be cold 10°C to -15°C)
  • Something to sit on
  • Small backpack
  • Personal waterbottle
  • Steady, waterproof shoes
  • Good mood

How much does it cost?

Adults: 950 SEK/participant

Youth: 700 SEK/participant

When is it available?

during autumn, winter and early spring. Please, check the booking module for exact dates and times.

What about booking, rebooking and payment?

You can book and cancel at our booking-channel, with full repayment except 10% booking fee, until 48 hours before the trip.

What if I'm allergic or have a special diet?

No problem! Simply let us know in the Message-section at the booking channel or send us a message.

What about alcohol and other drugs?

All tours with Traceless in Tiveden are free from alcohol and other drugs. Partly for the physical safety of the group, we're on the water, or in difficult terrain or handling sharp tools and fire. But also in consideration and care for our guests. We want our tours to be safe spaces in nature. Our guide has the right to send away drunk or high guests at any time during the tour. There will be no refunds in these cases.

What if it's raining?

We'll put up a tarp by the fire for protection. It's cosy to listen to the raindrops at the tarp, being warm from the fire and also a very encouraging experience being safe and dry although the skies are poring down.

— Map & contacts —

Traceless in Tiveden

+46 73 0246 515


GPS Meetup point:

58°45'28.7"N 14°35'29.6"E


58°45.478'N 14°35.494'E

WGS84 decimal (lat, lon)

58.75796, 14.591568

RT90 (nord, öst)

6515714, 1429761

SWEREF99 TM (nord, öst)

6513173, 476370