— Traceless & covid-19 —
We do our very best to follow actual recommendations and restrictions from Swedish authoritys during the pandemic. Then, well - no one knows how long this situation will last and we have to adjust our ways. We wish that you, our guest, will be able to relax for awhile, without compromising on your own, or others, health.
Here's some examples of how we adjust our tours:
- Small groups outdoors, maximum of 7 guests + 1 guide /canoetur or Walk in the wild, maximum of 5 guests + 1 guide /Campfire hike. Some tours we will only accept one couple/family at a time.
- Meet up points instead of carpooling.
- Keeping distance as long as it's possible. When stepping in or out of the canoe, the guide will be assisting and within 1 m radius for 1-2 minutes. Similarly when the guide need to show/ adjust a knot durin Campfire hike. The guide will use a face mask during these situations. During Walk for biodiversity we take turns looking at the species and keep distance.
- Extended hygien routines when handling food.
- Hand sanitizer is always available during our tours.
- Generous booking-terms You can book and cancel our tours according to the list below, with full repayment except 2% booking fee.
- Day trip (canoe), Family tour (canoe)and Walk in the wild - book or cancel until 168 hrs (a week) before the trip.
- Campfire hike - book or cancel 72 hrs (three days) before the trip.
- Before the time runs out, you can contact us in order to reschedule your trip. 167 hrs respective 71 hrs before the tour payment is binding even if you cancel your booking.